Quality control
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Quality control of assembly plans

Holoplan makes more effective the quality control of complex assembly plans by enabling a Mixed Reality visual inspection
Holoplan helps the workers to naturally visualize the 3D assembly plan
Holoplan allows immediate feedback on what has been mounted correctly and what needs further checking
Holoplan reduces mounting errors and need for reworking already-assembled parts

A 3D Mixed Reality representation of the assembly plan

When hull blocks are pre-assembled in the shipyard, problems may arise from the difficulty of reading 2D technical drawings, especially by less-educated workers. Assembly plans are crowded drawings, and their understanding is not always obvious. We decided to tackle this issue by developing a new system based on Mixed Reality technology.

Workers/supervisors/inspectors wear a pair of MR glasses (Microsoft Hololens 2) and, while still seeing the real environment thanks to the semi-transparent lenses, they also see a 3D representation of the assembly plan (pipes, joints, etc.) superimposed on the real hull (and on the parts that have already been mounted).

The models will be virtually positioned and oriented as they would be in reality, within an accepted tolerance. This allows users to immediately understand the complexity of the assembly plan, assess potential issues ahead of time (i.e. conflicting or inaccessible parts), and verify that what has already been assembled matches the plan correctly.

We will be grateful to talk to you about your needs and to set-up a personalised offer for a custom built solution.